21-22 Word of the Year Image

Hello WMS Demon Families, 

DCC and WMS have great news! We are creating a partnership between WMS and the DCC Athletic Department. We are creating a mentoring program. The benefits of this program are numerous, such as providing WMS students with an older person to look up to who live and learn in the Glendive community, providing another person of support for students, providing models of positive relationships, providing students an opportunity to learn from those who have had different experiences, and so much more.

Our WMS students will be paired with a DCC student-athlete for a mentoring partnership. All WMS students will participate in this program unless WMS parents/guardians choose to opt-out their students from the program. Students will not miss any academic time while participating in this program. Meeting times for mentors and mentees will be during lunch/recess time, 3:45-4:45 on Wednesdays, and/or 11:00-12:00 on Fridays. Mentors and mentees will meet one time a week. The Wednesday and Friday times will need support from parents for transportation for that to be an option. 

The first time mentor and mentees meet will be during the WMS student’s lunch period. After the initial meeting, the meeting times will be determined by the DCC student-athlete and the WMS student. Communication between mentors and mentees regarding scheduling will be through students’ emails or if there are last-minute changes the WMS Office will relay the message to individuals. Mentors and mentees will be meeting at WMS. During the mentoring program, students will be engaged in different activity options. WMS staff will try to have direct supervision. 

If you have any questions regarding this program, please do not hesitate to contact me at kennedyk@glendiveschools.org or 406.377.3288. If you do NOT want your child to participate in this program for any reason, please click on this form to OPT-OUT your student. 

Thank you for your support of this program. We are so excited about this partnership and appreciate DCC student-athletes’ participation.

Thank you, 

Katy Kennedy


Washington Middle School