WMS Announcements for Friday, December 7, 2018

  • LUNCH: Chili & Cinnamon Rolls, fruit, veggie & milk NO Salad bar   

  • The 7/8 grade girls going to Watford City on Saturday that the bus leaves at 6:30 not 7:30. Be there by 6:15.

  • Sports pictures are Monday morning during home room.  If you have not received a picture packet please stop into the office and pick one up.  

  • Do you like to read?  Do you like to talk about books?  Ms. Lytle will be doing a book club for all grades!  Please come to a short meeting on Dec 12th during your lunch recess to get information.  Group space is limited! If you can’t attend the meeting, please see Ms. Lytle for info.

  • Santa's helpers will be selling candy canes every Friday in the month of December.  The candy canes are regular sized and will be a dollar a piece. The candy canes will be sold TODAY during homeroom.  They will be coming to each home room and collecting the money and delivering the candy canes. Bring your dollar to help support our WMS families in need. Sharing is Caring.

  • The dance is TODAY from 3:30 - 5:10.  The cost is $1.00 and if you have dollar bills, you will be let in first.  After school, please go to your lockers and get your stuff for the weekend and then head outside and wait at the gym doors.  You will be let inside as soon as the chairs are set up. Remember if you want a pop or Powerade, you should bring $1.75 in quarters.  Also, you MUST have a ride here to pick you up on time. Make your arrangements to be picked up ahead of time. Don't wait until the dance is over and then call for a ride.  

  • Student council members - remember you are expected to help set up and take down at the dance, so you will need to head to the gym asap after school on Friday.  

  • This is a reminder to students and staff to remember to nominate others for the TIP Kindness Award.  Anytime you observe a student or staff member doing a kind deed for another, you may write up an award for them.  These are delivered at the end of the month by our TIP members. You may pick them up from the main office or from Mrs. Nissley.
  • Students, just a reminder you should not be entering the building before school unless you are dropping off your instrument, going to peer tutoring, or attending the morning ICU room.  When you leave the school you must leave through the front doors to head out to the playground. If you are going to breakfast, you must enter through the lunchroom doors off of the playground. 
  • Joke of the day: What’s the difference between a lazy student and a fisherman?  The lazy student hates books. The fisherman baits hooks! (Sutter Lovaas)